Monday, July 23, 2012

Minnesota, Identity Crisis?

I live in Minnesota. Most of the time, it suits me except perhaps in December/January and July/August. If you have ever visited or lived here during those months, you know what I mean. A line from a song in The Music Man sums it up....We can be cold as a falling thermometer in December if you ask about our weather in July......

So, I like it here. Yes, we do have lots of lakes which are pretty and entertaining. We have recreation, shopping, art, theaters, great restaurants and high taxes. But, I'm not going to comment on the latter. The purpose of this rant is to vent my distaste for the efforts of a group of people who wish to constitutionally limit marriage to between an opposite sex couple only. This proposed amendment will appear on ballots this November for the citizens of Minnesota to decide.

I admit, my initial reaction to this insane endeavor was.....drum roll....."Huh? I don't get it." I really didn't undertand the need. We already had a discriminatory law on the books forbidding it. So now we need to make a constitutional amendment forbidding it? Seems like overkill and money which could be better spent. I know, like paying off the Republican Party's debts! Brilliant. I bet their creditors would support that plan.

Nope, people were determined to put a stop to the potential that someday we would realize the errors of our ways and rectify the situation and allow any couple to marry, or unite in a civil ceremony, or whatever name one wants to call it. Personally, I am OK with calling ceremonies performed in a church, marriages and ceremonies outside the church civil unions, because that's what they are. Heck, my husband and I actually, have a civil union. We were married in a house with a judge. I'm OK with that. It's just a name. A rose by any other name.....

So why do people think it is OK to forbid two people from making a commitment and living their lives just as heterosexual couples do? I really don't get it. I have tried to figure it out and see the other side, but I am stumped. I think about a lot of things, but worrying about members of the gay community marrying isn't one of them. Here are the issues I do ponder:

Nutcases that go online and buy 6000 rounds of ammunition to kill innocent people.

Pornography, it drives me crazy and don't even get me started on what I think of it from a moral standpoint.....

State governments that withhold money from schools to balance their budgets. Grr.

Planes flying into buildings (I think that will stay with me forever).

Drunks that drive and continue to drive, even after they kill people.

Government agencies that think it is in a child's best interest to keep him or her in a dysfunctional family after suffering abuse.

Dog food made in China and imported to the US.

I am more concerned about dog food from China than I worry about gays being married. I actually do think about that a lot (I even make my own chicken jerky)!

To be fair, I did a little research because I just couldn't grasp why some people are so against gay marriages. I checked out a few sites but really, they made me laugh because they were so ridiculous. Saturday Night Live writers could have a field day with the things written on these sites.

Let me add something to my list of things to ponder:

Crazy people that think allowing gay marriages will lead to unions between men and dogs. I am seriously worried about these people. Yikes.

Ok, on to some more mainstream objections:

It would be incompatible with Christian, Islam and Judaism values.
Well, sure, but so what? If the people involved have no problem with that, why should I? Frankly, there are many things that are against Christian values but still exist. Pre-marital sex, adultry, stealing, cheating... Plenty of folks that do those things are among those vehemently codemning gay marriages. Hmmmm.

It would infringe on religious freedom.
(Cue: crickets chirping for a few seconds) I'm still trying to figure that out, give me a few more minutes...OK, I've got the solution! Ta Da! It will be called Separation of Church and State! What? Already on the books? Oh, you mean we can't force priests to marry gays in the Catholic church? OK, I guess that's something for individual religions to consider, not us. Great, I'll move on (phew, 'cause that one baffled me).

It could lead to multiple marriages.
OK, I think I am reasonably intelligent, not a genius, but I can figure out a few things. This argument has me just as baffled as the church thing. Frankly, I just don't see the logical connection. This is also the line of thinking that suggests it would lead to marriages between brothers and sisters and yes, even men with dogs.

(The reason that these people scare me, is that they cannot see how insulting this reasoning is. Comparing two committed gay men or women to a relationship between a human and a dog is outrageous and appalling. My only response is that I sincerely hope that some day they will show up in an ER to have their lives in the hands of a gay doctor or nurse.)

It will erode the institution of marriage.
My marriage is great and I am not threatened whatsoever by what happens in other marriages (actually, I am more concerned that married, straight people having mutiple affairs will spoil the institution).

So, what really has me baffled is what a dichotomy Minnesota is; if it was a person, I would strongly urge therapy. Minnesota is the state that has the distinction of the longest run for voting for a democrat for president. It hasn't voted for a republican since 1972. It holds itself up as a progressive state - it has light rail, recyling, top notch education, fabulous child care, healthcare, a ton of bike trails, heck, it has rent-a-bikes! So how can this community which embraces so many great things condemn gay marriages? Some people are playing both sides.......

Minnesota you are having an identity crisis. Get over yourself by November please.

Recipe for Chicken Jerky for Dogs:
Take some chicken breast and thinly slice. Place on a cookie sheet lined with no-stick tinfoil. Pop into 210 degree oven for approximately three hours. Ta Da! I keep it in a baggy in the fridge (don't worry about how long it lasts, your dog will finish it up faster than you can say,"Bob's your uncle").

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